Blue Eyed Devils Collection Read online

Page 15

  “I’m afraid I’m at a loss for words. There is something I want to tell you.” I can see he’s struggling to find the words and then he reveals the deep, dark secret he hasn’t shared with anybody.

  I listen intently about this so-called curse in his family. It sounds stupid on paper, but I know he takes it seriously. There’s no reason to make light of something that he feels deeply about.

  “You can’t think like that. It will drive you crazy. Nobody knows what’s going to happen in the next few minutes, let alone the next few years. That’s the beauty of life. The benefit of thinking you’re going to die makes you live like it’s going to be the last day every day. You capture every moment. I commend you for taking risks, but I don’t have to believe in the curse to empathize with you. I’ve always been a wallflower,” I confess when I feel that final inch slip away from me.

  “I’m glad I found you. I know it’s foolish to feel this way, but I need to get past that hurdle in the next few weeks before I can commit to anything. Can you bear with me?” He poses the question and I respond with a perceptible nod of my head to let him know that I’m not going anywhere.

  Ch 6 – Alex

  It’s a little strange to feel this sense of relief three days after my birthday. Hiding away until it was over was my answer to the question of whether or not the curse was going to get me. It still bothers me, but I’m not going to let it keep me from living my life.

  Four weeks is a long time to be abstinent.

  I have everything prepared and I can hear the hot tub bubbling behind me. The place belongs to a friend of mine.

  “The entire place is yours for the weekend. I personally came up here to make sure everything was arranged. I hope the meal provided is exactly to your specifications. You just have to put it in the oven for 30 minutes and then it’s ready,” Jensen says while untying the apron until it’s hanging haphazardly over the kitchen counter.

  He knows had to improvise in the kitchen and can create something delicious with barely anything in the cupboards. We spent hours on the range, perfecting our craft with this serious case of rivalry. It’s healthy to have that kind of competition in my life to force me to be better than those that I come across.

  “Everything looks amazing. I’m sure you’re wondering why I’m going to these lengths to impress her. She’s been very patient with me. Speaking of her, I do believe that is her car arriving.” I usher him out the door and they meet halfway, with Jensen turning with a huge smile on his face.

  Melanie is wearing a beautiful red dress, shimmering in the light of the dying sunset. She is teaching me to break the cycle of my unwanted fear. It’s starting to dawn on me that it’s my life. I can’t let my irrational fear stand in the way of happiness. She deserves to have me with her without a certain part of me wondering when the ax is going to fall.

  “I have to tell you that dress looks stunning. Dinner will be ready shortly. Would you like a glass of wine? We could take a walk and enjoy what is left of the sunset,” I mention and offer her a glass, which she gratefully takes.

  “You don’t look so bad yourself. I didn’t know that I was attracted to somebody in uniform. really do make a girl yearn. I might have to take liberties and tear that uniform off of you with my teeth,” she teases, and we walk hand in hand with nature around us.

  I feel like being nostalgic and wearing the uniform makes me feel closer to those in the thick of things. It’s symbolic.

  I carry under my arm a blanket, and follow Jensen’s directions until we are overlooking a bluff. It’s an amazing view and we stare unabashedly at the colors splashed in the sky. It’s a living painting, constantly changing with the sun dipping below the trees.

  “I know I have been a little unreasonable but that’s not going to be an issue anymore. There is no such thing as a curse. It was strictly an unfortunate coincidence. I have to admit, living with that Damocles sword swinging above my head all these years has proven to be a blessing in disguise. I did learn to live healthily. I’ve never smoked, done drugs, and I might drink casually but not to excess.” I arrange the blanket in black and red checkers and lower myself down, with my hand outstretched for her to join me.

  She drops to her knees with her hands on the hem of the dress, exposing a brief glimpse of her smooth inner thighs. I take her hand and place it on my heart before lifting her other hand to my mouth. I kiss each finger with her sighing in resignation.

  “Be still my beating heart,” she says before reaching out and unbuttoning the starched shirt of my uniform that still fits to this day.

  She carefully folds it over my shoulders, and I let it fall gently until it’s on the ground behind me. Her thumbs slip underneath the straps of her dress and she has my undivided attention.

  “I still don’t know how I got so lucky to have you in my life. I’m ready to start something new with you. My best defense is gone. I’m completely exposed and vulnerable,” I utter with the sky threatening with a dark cloud looming above.

  The first droplets of rain don’t make us run for cover. It’s just a little water.

  The dress becomes almost transparent, sticking to her curves. Her excitement becomes evident when her nipples respond to the chill of the water touching them. She doesn’t flinch when I relieve her of that garment until she is at the mercy of my hungry stare.

  I lean forward and bury my head in her bosom, causing shivers to run up and down her spine. I smile when she shakes and moans in response to my tongue circling one of those hard buds.

  She lifts the glass of wine to her lips and I gently bite on the tip to make her cry out, causing some of the wine to spill down the corners of her mouth. It drips onto her outstretched nipples and slides effortlessly into the gateway of my mouth.

  Her head is thrown back with her hands on the back of my head. She looks up and she meets me halfway until our lips meet in a passionate kiss that has us breathless. I curl my hand around her and gently lower her to the ground, still in the mists of making out wildly with the rain pelting down from above.

  She cries out with the squawk of birds in the distance responding to her animalistic mating call. Her hands are behind her holding her up, and I love the look of euphoria on her face. I want to capture her expression and take a mental picture. This is how I want her to feel all the time.

  “You’re not the only one that feels lucky. We were made for each other. I had to kiss a lot of frogs, but I finally found my prince charming.” Her head moves back and forth with her hair shooting droplets of water everywhere.

  I press my tongue to the wet cleft of her sexual desire. It blooms open wet and with enthusiasm to accept my tongue. I’m watching her intently to see what buttons to push to make her crazy with a hungry need that I can satisfy. It’s easy to recognize those telltale signals, including the way that her right leg twitches.

  It’s not long before she radiates her sexual heat with her arms and legs flailing in all directions. I take advantage of her orgasmic relief to unzip and pull out my mighty masculine sword. It pierces the night sky with her moan of insistence followed by her hand pressing against my chest.

  I’m conditioned to be a soldier and this kind of stamina comes with the benefit of being able to go the distance in all aspects of my life. I fully impale her on my instrument with one thrust after another. The feel of her silky lips has me slowing down to keep those home fires burning a little bit longer.

  “I’m glad I stuck with you. This sense of anticipation has been hard to ignore these last couple of weeks. We’ve talked and spent time together, but this is the first time I truly feel like we belong together. I think I have always loved you but was afraid to say the words at the risk of not having them returned,” she moans and then screams with the crack of thunder drowning out most of her declaration.

  “Things are going to happen the way they are supposed to and there’s nothing I can do about it. I think when I met you it was a date with destiny. Every time we touch, there’s somethi
ng running through my veins I can’t fully describe.” My momentum has me fueled by the adrenaline and enthusiasm in her eyes.

  The only thing I can commit to is maybe.

  With a little bit of a push with my feet firmly planted on the ground, I’m able to feel the fire consuming me. The vision in my head is nothing compared to the reality of being with her body and soul.

  My climax is all-encompassing and I lose my breath while releasing those endorphins in a pleasurable way. She gives me proof that love can conquer all. It might be time to consider doing something to make it official. I reach into my pants and find the ring before extracting it.

  There’s a flash of lightning and her eyes light up when she sees the diamond ring. I know what her answer is going to be but I need to hear the words.

  “Will you...” I don’t get the chance to say anything more when she jumps on top of me, raining kisses all over my face.

  “It would make me the happiest woman in the world to be your wife.” We race back to the retreat with our clothing discarded to be collected later.

  Epilogue – Melanie

  The moment where he proposed to me is something I have been waiting for all of my life. His work is keeping him busy and we barely have time to talk about when the big day is going to be. We have discussed who is invited and how we want something intimate.

  Time has this funny way of slipping through our fingers.

  “He’s going to be home in a few days. This is your time to be pampered at this exclusive spa. I’m glad you accepted my invitation to join me as my plus one. This introductory offer doesn’t come around very often. They are trying to drum up business and are willing to sacrifice a couple of day passes to get the word out,” Amber relates, and we have both been lonely since the boys have been on assignment to a location that is on a need to know basis.

  It’s something I’m going to have to get used to.

  The resort and spa are spectacular with the attendees wearing all white. They escort us into the room where cucumber slices and a mud mask are making me feel rejuvenated.

  It’s very relaxing and then we do a little shopping until she presents me with this white dress. The material is so soft that I want to feel it against my skin. I go into the changing room and come out with it on. There is no price tag but I imagine it’s quite expensive, something that I can’t afford on my meager budget.

  “I can tell on your face you want to wear it out. It’s my gift to you.” I’m not sure what to say about her generosity but it does make me feel like smiling.

  She directs me to this wall of windows with the ocean a few feet away from the double doors. I follow in my bare feet, holding onto my shoes with the sun beaming off my face.

  There are a few umbrellas and then he steps out wearing a pure white suit with a blood-red tie. “You look good enough to get married in that. It just so happens, I have your friends and a minister waiting for us. I’ve taken everything you have said into account. The flower petals on the ground are from purple tulips.” Alex extends his hand and my fingers are trembling when he guides me to where my friends and family are waiting for me.

  “I can’t believe you did all of this without me having a single clue. I should be mad at you, but this is the sweetest thing anybody has ever done for me. It looks like everything is set up for us to finally tie the knot. It’s crazy how the best thing in my life is you. To think it all started when you introduced yourself before the 4th of July party. That was months ago. I’m ready to make it official,” I say, when I finally realize the dress is something that I pointed at when we were looking through one of those wedding dress catalogs together.

  He really does know me better than I know myself. That is scary and exciting at the same time.

  He rushes down the aisle, ducking his head to make sure he doesn’t get snagged on the flowers arranged in a tunnel of love.

  Shane is his best man and Amber has designated herself my matron of honor.

  “You should see the look on your face. It wasn’t easy to keep this from you, but it was worth it to see your reaction.” She presses her hand on my back and I begin to march down that tunnel of love when the music begins to play.

  My father appears and takes my hand to give me away. “I want you to be happy and that smile on your face tells me you are. Don’t let him get away. Marriage is about compromise and never going to bed angry. I’ve already welcomed him to the family and had the talk with him. I even showed him my gun collection. I think he got the message,” he jokes with a low, guttural laugh.

  I see my family in the front row. They look nice, all dressed for the occasion. I share a teary unspoken hello with my mother. She gives me a nod while holding onto a hanky. She is always emotional at weddings.

  My family met him at Sunday dinner a couple weeks ago. It was tense. Alex broke the ice by making a quarter appear behind my mom’s ear. He turned out to be charming, but I didn’t expect anything less. Game night had us on the winning side together. We beat them all at charades.

  The priest goes through most of the ceremony in a blur until we get down to the vows.

  He takes my hand. “I couldn’t waste any more time. You’ve given me the gift of somebody to share my life with. I see through your eyes a future waiting for us. The love I have for you brings me the kind of joy that makes me wake up grateful to have you in my life. I no longer feel like I’m going through the motions in a fog of confusion. It’s your light that delivers me from the darkness. I am forever in your debt for showing me life is precious, no matter how long we have to enjoy it. I will have you with me until those final days and nobody could be any happier than I am,” he professes.

  It’s my turn to improvise since I don’t have anything prepared.

  I wipe a tear from my eyes. “I’m going to wing it. The one thing I know is how I feel about you. Things make sense when I see your smiling face looking at me. The love I have has no reason. It gets stronger every day. I feel completely overwhelmed in the best way possible. This is a journey we are going to take together, hand in hand.” I turn to the priest and I hear him barely above a whisper announce that we are husband and wife.

  I only have to look into his eyes to know that he is my home.


  Other Books by Paula Ridge

  Available Here

  Tenured Series - I Shouldn’t, But... (Box Set)

  Cowboys of Bone Rock (Box Set)


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  About the Author

  Paula Ridge writes short, sexy, fun romances about exotic women and the delicious alpha men that steal their heart.

  Check me out on Facebook for updates on upcoming releases, fun romantic posts and other exciting things.

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